Live light Live happily
The race to the finish in life
manifests in a competition with the self & others that seemingly never
ends. Judging
others is natural for a human being but judging them wrong generates feeling of
guilt. There are situations, people, disappointments, highs & lows when
things don’t go the way compatible with our belief patterns and plan. Irritated
by the disruption of one’s peaceful & relaxed atmosphere caused by
pre-judging a situation/people one thinks & acts guided by his/her belief
patterns that one later regrets. For example one realizes later that someone
was actually a very kind & genuine person rather than rude as thought but
by this time our relationships has already gone sour and the realization now hurts
affecting our quality of life, well being and success.
Evaluate, reflect, improve & change own
perspective rather than judging others to lead a happy life. Better
understanding & compassion toward oneself & others encourages one to
“live in the moment” and boosts self-esteem. Replacing worrying or critical
thoughts with positive thoughts & affirmations result in the negative
emotions lose their ability to harm and upset us. Pause to stop what
distracts you from who you truly are, Reflect, Release outdated views &
expectations that have no real purpose in your daily life, Appreciate the
experience and Decide to live happily.