Monday, 29 July 2019

Social media

Anmol Singh-Psychologist & Counselor, Chandigarh

Social media

Empty syndrome experienced by individuals due to lack of personal interaction in absence of close and trusted company drives one to be obsessed with engagement on digital social media platforms. The comparisons indulged in on social platforms by the individual, invites built up of unwarranted depression, leading to set in of anxiety & sadness. The unhappiness so cropped in makes an individual a very negative person. One should be aware that it is human nature to be always selective, projecting only positives and favourable rather than the negative experiences about self. Comparing self with other’s having better placements & career, earning well, having great holidays, buying expensive things etc. generates jealousy and anxiety.  The self esteem of an individual takes a hit when he/she starts feeling everyone is better off than him/her leading to depressive phase. 

Saturday, 27 July 2019


Anmol Singh-Psychologist & Counselor, Chandigarh

Mindfulness, means to be fully present in the here and now, for mental health and well being is slowly gaining foothold in today’s fast paced world. It empowers an individual to overcome the ever consuming thoughts of anger, fear, desire, despair, longing or regret & thus understand one’s own physical, mental and emotional state. The real/correct perspective so gained helps to heal, transform and nourish. Pause, relax and be aware of the present moment, your feelings, emotions in to get a grip on your response, as one’s response to challenges makes all the difference. The fast paced life is affecting children also. Children are hyper-active and suffer short attention spans. They need to be taught to carry out any activity, be it eating, walking, reading or listening with entire focus to raise them as capable adults who will be in control of their emotions.     

Wednesday, 24 July 2019


Anmol Singh-Psychologist & Counselor, Chandigarh

You think your child is not mature enough or knows enough to be a responsible individual and hence frequently provide him/her unsolicited advice at each and every step of taking a decision. You are impeding his/her journey to become self sufficient and self reliant. Having expectations is normal as long as it does not affect the child’s mind. Do for them what you want to do but do not expect them to behave the way you want them to, let them depend on themselves. One must appreciate the existence of generation gap because the views & values imbibed by children while growing up in different times and cultures are in variance than yours. The dependence on others in life restricts one from learning own lessons, make peace with life as it progresses and discover oneself thus relying on & allowing others to hold reins of life. Sudden loss/disruption in dependency generates a gamut of emotions of disbelief, denial, hurt and fear inside. Personal independence to experience, learn from mistakes, gain confidence and build own identity is a must to grow into a self reliant individual. Parents need to communicate, care, guide, be back up resource and control in right measure rather than interfering too much which breeds rebellious attitude. Parents need to trust children with more responsibility to cultivate capability to decide on the direction he/she wishes to take in life and facilitate transition from childhood to adulthood. 

Tuesday, 23 July 2019

Shed your emotional baggage.

Anmol Singh- Psychologist & Counselor, Chandigarh

Shed your emotional baggage.

Circumstantially anyone, male or female, who is a loner, needy, overwhelmed, can become emotionally vulnerable. He/she is more often than not moody, over-sentimental, sad and even aggressive. He/she shares/offloads his/her feelings and counterpart tends to the emotional baggage that with time becomes too much to handle and is exhausting. One stops living one’s own life and suffers from missing the most happening time, resulting in psychological damage. When finding yourself in such a situation, you feel like not listening anymore and wanting to distance yourself, reach out to a therapist before it starts taking toll on your physical & mental health.

Monday, 22 July 2019

Emotional well being is the key to happiness and joy, the basic need for a satisfied life.

Emotional well being is the key to happiness and joy, the basic need for a satisfied life.

Pause, reflect and think positive. Carrying hurt, anger and resentment is detrimental to emotional well being. The negative emotions cause anxiety and depression. Holding grudges over small and inconsequential wrong doings experienced in day to day life robs the peace of mind of self. Ignore as it has already occurred. Just remembering or talking about them won’t change anything. Focus on quality rather than quantity of deep connection and strong relationships. Reliving little joys of childhood, love, laughter & joyous times and imagining glorious future, generates satisfying feelings. Identify your talent/passion, do not suppress it but engage. Pursue with conscious awareness and concentration to keep your emotions in a level of calm & balance for enjoying a better quality of life.    

Sunday, 14 July 2019

It is of utmost importance to effectively deal with your immediate environment, current state of mental, emotional & physical health.

In the journey of life, one has to adjust & adapt to the challenges certain situations offer. One’s voluntary or involuntary emotional & bodily response to the situations affecting life bring in stress, sustained over the period it manifests itself in emotional (mental) or physical problem. Learn to handle the situation, calm your body & mind the moment stress response is triggered within and think clearly how to effectively deal with your immediate environment, current state of mental, emotional & physical health for a successful and joyful living.     

Wednesday, 3 July 2019

Healthy and loving relationship

Healthy and loving relationship

Healthy and loving relationship is connecting of two minds & hearts, commitment, feeling secure, respecting the differences and valuing others freedom & independence.  Living an insular life punctuated with impatience, resentment, anger, soaring tempers, stress, sense of entitlement & expecting instant gratification, nonexistent support to process one’s emotions, culture of self over others without much regard for others are some of the factors responsible for an individual’s outbursts at the slightest of an excuse. The rage/aggression expressed derails the loving relationships over a period.  Compassion, care, laughing away the blues, happy thoughts and positive outlook brings in happiness the key to a healthy and secure relationship.

Monday, 1 July 2019

Optimism is the catalyst to remain happy and joyful.

Optimism is the catalyst to remain happy and joyful.

It is natural & absolutely normal for humans to assess and try to understand a situation that has brought insult, hurt and frustration to avoid repeat of such a situation. But carrying the hurt, injustice and insult in mind to the extent that it overtakes your peace of mind resulting in opting for destructive self coping attitude of addictive behaviour like indulgence in alcohol/drugs/smoking is abnormal and damaging. Constant repeated pondering/brooding over such situation and one’s response creates a feeling of victim hood leading to overwhelming stress and worry. One needs to be in the present moment, be non judgemental, understand other’s perspective, not to worry much about past or future in order to remain happy and joyful. It is imperative to let go, love self, be objective and take corrective measures.